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Satellite data analysis : a solution for the future

Earth observation from space has transformed our knowledge about Earth. As Thomas Pesquet mentioned during his return from space: « The Earth is a spaceship with 7 billion inhabitants launched into the vacuum of space with limited resources. We quickly realize that the Earth is very fragile. ...and we have no plan B ». To best preserve it, we must therefore observe it.

Space-based Earth observation is defined as the collection of data on the Earth’s physical, chemical, and biological systems using satellites (Canadian Space Agency). These satellites study the physical characteristics of the atmosphere and the oceans, providing essential measurements for meteorology, oceanography, the study of climate change and land use planning.

Earth observation satellites and remote sensing: principles and operation

To observe the Earth, scientists use remote sensing from space. Remote sensing covers all techniques related to the analysis and exploitation of data obtained from earth and environmental observation satellites.

A satellite can be part of a satellite constellation, which is a group of satellites that work together for a common purpose and usually provide almost complete coverage of the Earth.

How does an observation satellite work?

An observation satellite is an unpowered instrument sent by means of a rocket or launcher which, once it reaches the desired altitude (about 600-800 km above the Earth), finds itself in a so-called “polar” orbit.It is then installed in balance, attracted at the same time by the gravity of the Earth and by the interstellar void. The balance between the two forces keeps it always on the same trajectory, forming a circular line around the Earth.

Equipped with several optical instruments that capture the light reflected from the different areas overflown, the satellite is able to record images from the solar radiation reflected by the Earth (visible, near and mid-infrared range – about 400 to 1600 nm -). This light information is stored in the instrument’s on-board memory and then converted into electrical information to be transmitted to receiving ground stations.

There, these data will be subject to various operations of modification and treatment which will allow them to be exploitable. The satellite does not take photographs of the planet, but only measurements. The information transmitted is digital: it can be measured, archived, downloaded and distributed…

Monitoring global warming with Absolut Sensing’s solution: GESat

Absolut Sensing is working on the deployment of a methane detection satellite constellation called GESat to meet the challenge of global warming. The objective: to measure industrial pollution in order to provide a reliable and accurate global measurement system for methane emissions on industrial sites.

The analysis of data collected thanks to space observation allows us to design solutions to support companies and institutions in their energy transition.

  • Methane tracking satellite system.
    Our nanosatellite constellation collects daily measurements of CH4 emissions while running on-board AI filtering applications. These data are transmitted to a global network of ground stations.


  • Big Data digital platform.
    Our automated AI processing chain cleans, standardizes, fuses, and analyzes our proprietary data alongside other third-party data to generate methane emissions concentration maps.


  • Software Analysis
    Customers receive proprietary data delivered seamlessly, in real time, via GESat API.


Our environmental monitoring solutions are made possible by cryogenic technology and miniaturization of instruments.

Absolut Sensing is revolutionizing the world of remote sensing by offering miniaturized and high performance cooled hyperspectral instruments, a world first. This is the case of our integrated SWIR sensors, using Absolut System’s ultra-innovative CRYASSY cryogenic system, compatible with Cubesat 16U and 12U platforms.