Absolut-Sensing _Logotype_HD

changes in the biosphere, atmosphere and geosphere of the Earth and other planets.



Monitor Understand Predict your methane emissions

Leveraging our proprietary GESat emissions data and physics-guided machine learning models, we offer regulators and businesses alike a suite of products tailored to meet their emissions Measurement, Verification and Reporting requirements:

  • GESat data: accurate high-resolution methane concentrations and emissions products to quantify facility-scale CH4 emissions.
  • CMI – Certified Emissions Inventory: streamline the production and validation of your methane emissions inventory.
  • PLUM – Methane Intelligence Platform: easily retrieve, analyze, and share crucial emissions information.
Accueil_Absolut sensing


Monitor Understand Predict your methane emissions

We have developed a series of technological innovations aimed at redefining the state-of-the-art in satellite-based atmospheric change detection:

  • Hardware: a miniaturized spectro-imager embedding a high-performance cryogenic sensor and a forward-compensation scan mirror enabling us to accurately detect and quantify any changes in the composition of Earth’ air and atmosphere.


  • Software: a physics-guided machine learning model trained on petabytes of atmospheric and whether data, able to reliably forecast atmospheric changes including emission rates with unprecedented accuracy.”



Absolut Sensing develops miniaturized and cooled hyperspectral instruments compatible with standard Cubesat 12u platforms.


Absolut Sensing is working on the implementation of a methane detection satellite constellation to meet the major climate change. At the same time, we are working on the development of remote sensing instrumentation for other use cases in the hyperspectral domain.

  • We are developing the CRYASSY, an ultra-innovative compact cryogenic set allowing a significant gain in measurement sensitivity in comparison to non-cooled instruments.

  • We are designing integrated filter-sensor detection systems for applications ranging from SWIR to LWIR.

  • We are devising miniaturized optical systems for smallsat applications.


Absolut Sensing révolutionne le monde de l’imagerie en proposant des instruments hyperspectraux refroidis miniaturisés haute-performance.

De la miniaturisation des technologies satellitaires résulte la réduction du coût de l’accès à l’espace. Cela permet aujourd’hui aux opérateurs commerciaux ainsi qu’au pays en voie de développement de disposer de leur propre constellation d’observation de la Terre répondant à des cas d’usages spécifiques. Jusqu’ici, avec la naissance de nouvelles applications dans l’imagerie infrarouge et hyperspectral, les opérateurs se retrouvaient face à un dilemme : choisir entre des instruments refroidis haute-performance, mais volumineux et coûteux, ou bien des plus petits instruments non-refroidis mais beaucoup moins précis et efficaces.

Absolut Sensing a choisi de bouleverser ce paradigme en proposant des instruments hyperspectraux refroidis miniaturisés et haute-performance. C’est le cas du Cryassy, un ensemble cryogénique compact ultra-innovant, performant et commercialement compétitif. Il intègre une table froide, le cryostat, la machine cryogénique et les interfaces mécaniques et thermiques.

Entièrement démontable, avec de très faibles vibrations et la possibilité d’intégrer 3 détecteurs linéaires, il est compatible avec les smallsats et conçu pour les missions d’observation IR.


We believe that fighting climate change is our generation's biggest challenge.

Absolut Sensing was founded with the mission of developing the technologies necessary to monitor, understand, and ultimately predict changes in Earth’s atmosphere.

We will do this by first deploying a satellite constellation to provide accurate methane emissions data to regulators and companies worldwide.

Because you cannot reduce what you cannot measure, mitigating global warming requires precise, reliable, frequent monitoring of methane emitting activities across industries ranging from oil and gas to waste management.